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We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

The Real Identity of Judas and DSAI v Najib

The normal literature tells us that Judas betrayed Jesus, by telling the Roman administration where Jesus was, so that he could be punished under the sedition act.

Many do not know, the existence of the Gospel of Judas. The book described that Judas was Jesus's closest friend. He knew, all along, the true mission of Jesus, that was to die for the other people's sin. In order for Jesus to fulfill his mission, Judas had to play the 'traitor' role, sacrificing his popularity in Christianity, being cursed for the next thousands of years. He was the true friend, the one who understood Jesus, and stood up for the challenge and curse. And this was the silent secret, only known to Jesus and Judas.

Judas sacrificed himself, so that Jesus could achieve the greater Glory.

The multi million question is, is there any secret between Anwar and Saiful, so that Anwar can achieve a greater glory?


1) Anwar recently met PakLah, and after that the sodomy case was brought to surface. Looking at the current situation, Najib was the one on the losing side over the whole issue. Could there be an agreement between Anwar's and PakLah's camp to kill Najib's political career?

2) Saiful may not be a PKR boy, but certainly, he is not a Najib's boy. He maybe a KJ's boy, being manipulated by both camps (KJ & Anwar) so that PakLah can start 'accusing' Najib over the sodomy allegation.

3) KJ has a greater scheme, that is to kill off Najib, and somehow, occupy Anwar with this issue. Doing so may deter the crossover plan and Anwar taking the premiership, and kills Najib political career, at the same time, lengthening Paklah's regime.

4) If Anwar really wants this case to settle quickly, being a religious person himself, he would have taken the Sumpah dengan Quran idea immediately. Instead, he looks so enthusiastic in going to the court. Apparently, he must have some evidences that he wants to bring forward, in order to shut Najib's mouth, once and for all.

From all the points, and from the points from the previous entry, I tend to think that:
1) Najib stands to lose a lot more from the whole 'conspiracy'.
2) Saiful was chosen by both the PKR & UMNO to bring down Najib.
3) Anwar is co-operating with PakLah's team, to dispel Najib (for something in return?)

Time will tell...


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