Dapur Bujang
There's this TV programme called Dapur Bujang (Bachelor's Kitchen). Well I kind of like watching it every Sunday. But there are times when I feel like my cooking skill (however infesior it is) is being insulted by this programme.
Today's menu is: Salad mangga (mango salad)
1) Take daun salad (lettuce)
2) Prepare some slices of mango
3) Put them together in a bowl, and put God-knows-what oil
4) Yeay, the salad manga is ready.
Menu 2: Fruit with Yoghurt
1) Prepare slices of apple, orange, grapes and strawberry.
2) Put them all on a lidi sate (Sate stick).
3) Arrange them on a plate.
4) Take fruit yoghurt, and splash it around the plate.
5) Now you have the Fruit with Yoghurt
Hmm, I do feel like this is an insult to male intelligent. However, comes to think of it, there may be many men who do not know how to cook, and feel the programme really helps them in preparing the food that may be able to ambil hati their girl friends...
Oh, in case you do not know, the programme is followed by another programme named Stylo: a male magazine that teaches you how to apply perfume, where to put them, and do not put them below your umbilicus
Sesetengah lelaki beranggapan merokok memang perlu supaya kelihatan jantan
untuk lebih kejantanan:
air rokok marlboro madu
bahan2 :
1) air suam (kalau xtau buat air suam, pergi google)
2) tembakau marlboro dicincang halus
3) madu
residue bole diminum atau ditapis ikut selera sendiri
btw, my word cerification waktu nk hantar post ni adalah "enons"
kebetulan, makcik enon sblh rumah mmg terer masak
muke jambu sgt kot sp kne isap rokok?
or manboobs mayb
resipi 1: air suam
1) dapatkan sedikit air dari paip, kolah, atau sungai.
2) Tapis secukup rasa.
3) Untuk lebih mudah, tuangkan dalam electric kettle.
4) sambung wayar ke tempat yang sepatutnya dan on suis di dinding serta kettle.
5) nantikan air masak apabila suis termati secara otomatik
p/s: pastikan suis termati disebabkan air masak, bukan disebabkan gangguan bekalan elektrik. Ini boleh dipastikan dengan cara menghidupkan tv anda, dan pastikan ia boleh hidup atau tidak
resipi 2:
mee goreng telur mata lembu
mee goreng mamak (kompem sedap,kalau x reti masak,baik beli je)
telur goreng mata lembu (made by mamak la gak)
1-cari duit/cara utk ke kedai mamak/restoran2 lain pn bleh
2-beli ke2 2 bahan penting (utama) di atas
3- bawa balik ke rumah/hall/hostel.dgn berhati-hati kerana malang tidak berbau (maybe berbau mee)
4- buka pintu rumah dan masuk terus ke dapur dengan kadar segera.ini penting utk memastikan mee masih panas dan tak perlu di 'microwave'kan
5-buka bekas tapau n tuangkan mee dengan 'gentle' ats pinggan yg sesuai utk dihidang
6- tuangkan telur mata lembu juga dengan kadar perlahan supaya matanya tidak pecah
slmt menjamu selera!
p/s hidangan ini amat sesuai utk sorang saje n lg best klo dpt mkn sambil tonton tv..best2
slmt mencuba!
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