نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Syiah, Wahabi, and Sunni


duduk buat projek NDT ni, memang time consuming. kadang-kadang, aku masuk lab pukul 7 pagi, dan hanya pulang pada jam 10 malam.

sambil dok bosan-bosan, aku bersembang dengan seorang kawan. dia seorang syiah. dalam berdiskusi dengan beliau, ada satu ayat beliau yang aku rasa aku takkan lupa.

i think, most sunni's are ignorant. their scholars don't teach them about syiah, apart from the distorted information. look at iraq. those sunnis are killing the syiahs, but none of the suni scholar stands up to condemn those act. on the other hand, when syiahs were about to retaliate, syiah scholars immediately stand up to calm the people, and condemn public killing.

i know there were skirmishes between safavid and ottoman, but those were rather political, not on personal/individual basis.

terdiam juga aku mendengar pendapat dia. bila ulama' sunni keluarkan fatwa tak boleh bunuh civilian (seperti mudafi' mazlum), publisiti tidak diberi. tetapi bila ulama keluarkan fatwa boleh suicide bombing, dapat publisiti plak.

kemudian dia menambah

u know what is behind this? the wahhabism. they promote killing and intolerance. i used to live in saudi. the saudi government dont allow us to pray in the mosque, where our ancestors used to pray for more than 1000years, simply because we are syiah.

and in saudi, everyone (the government officials) is in denial. they were saying that there is no such thing as wahhabi. the term was invented by those people who are jealous at us, for whatever reasons.

upon hearing that, i stood up, and told them that you cannot deny the fact that there are groups in saudi that promote intolerance amongst the society.

well, that's wahhabism for u, summarised by few words from my saudi friend. and i told them, for sunni, we always believe in the middle path. as much as we think that syiah is a different group from us, some (or many) sunni scholars will say that those wahhabis are not part of ahlussunnah wal jamaah either. but, it is important to remember that both groups are our brothers, simply because they are muslims. i do not know what fatwa the wahabi scholars use to legalise killing syiah muslims.


p/s: wahabi, satu nama baru, tapi penyakit lama yang telah wujud dalam umat islam beribu tahun..


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