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We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fire and Prevention

I am saddened by the news here. This news basically summarised the level of ignorance and stubbornness in our society.

The Theory of Fire

Fire main components can be described by the TRIANGLE OF FIRE above. For any fire incidence to occur, there must be the three elements:

Fuel: Anything for the reaction to consume.
Air/Oxygen:  This is another main component, since fire is an oxidation process.
Heat: Heat is required to provide the minimum energy needed for the reaction to occur, after which the fire will be self-sustained by receiving heat from the fuel-oxygen reaction

To extinguish fire, one needs to remove any of the three elements:
Air: Removing air by blowing anything that can displace the air. It can be in the form of CO2, or the dry powder, which cuts the air/oxygen supply to the reaction.
Heat: Heat is removed by cooling, hence the use of water. However, in oil fire, water is NOT a good fire extinguisher.
Fuel: Removing fuel, by removing any consumables near to the fire.

What is explosion?

Explosion is a sudden release of energy. The impact is much worse than a fire, considering the amount of energy and the shockwave impact generated by explosion.

What can we learn from the above incidence:

1) Switch off your engine while refuelling.
I do not know why malaysians are very comfortable refuelling while the engine is ON. This is ridiculous, since engine has sparks, that provide the ignition source (heat). Similarly, hot engine can be exposed to the fuel vapour, which may cause it to catch fire.

Similarly, one should not use mobile phones, or any electrical/electronics gadget at petrol station. These are all ignition source provider.

2) RULES are there for reasons

If anyone go to any petrol kiosk, the sign is there. Switch off your mobile, switch off your engine. Yet, how many people take this for granted. Even worse, the petrol station people never took any action against these people. "Customer is always right", yes, but does this one customer has any right in doing something that may jeopardise his and many other people's lives?

3) Do not modify your LPG tank

Yes, LPG tanks do leak, and when they leak, they are like a bomb waiting to explode.

LPG is the biggest threat to us. LPG, mainly comprises C3-C4 expands quickly, and is heavier than air. If there is any LPG leak, it would not be dissipated to the atmosphere. Instead it will stay on the ground, due to the weight, and form a vapour cloud. Any sufficient heat introduced will create a FIREBALL that consumes anything within the vapour cloud.

The problem occurs when we started modifying the tanks ourselves. We cannot guarantee that the tanks are in good condition anymore. Similarly, you should not re-route the fuel path yourself, unless you are authorised/ certified in doing that.

What could have been worse?
It is not uncommon that one LPG fire created a bigger fire. In Korea, a whole petrol station exploded, after one small fire. This fire spread to the LPG truck, and then the LPG storage tank underground, and all the small LPG tanks shot around like missiles. It destroyed the whole block/ shoplots row also.

Understand the cause of fire, and stick to the rule..


Blogger ihsan_huhu said...

dont play2 with fire

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having disseminated enough information on the logic behind how a fire is initiated, one cannot however simply disregard the law of nature and the will of the Almighty, and hence the terminology "spontaneous ignition"

6:08 PM  
Blogger husna afifi said...

kecik kecik menjadi kawan
besar besar menjadi lawan
tu laaa

11:41 PM  

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