نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Stupid PLUS

I was on my way home from KL tonight at roughly 1030pm.

After Nilai exit, close to Seremban R&R, there was a huge traffic jam.

I found few cars have had accidents, broken lights etc. I was sure this was because of the sudden slow down.

Few kilometers ahead, more shattered lights and bumpers, and more sign of accidents. And a couple of ambulances with the sirens moving here and there.

What actually happened? Full picture came about a couple more kilometers ahead, when a cherry picker truck was spotted blocking the slowest lane of the three lanes, and some personnel were noted doing maintenance.

STUPID PLUS? Why do you give discount after 12 until 5am? Because you want to encourage people to avoid congestion at rush hour.

Why do you have to be so stupid doing maintenance on a friday night? dont you have data that show people travel a lot more on friday evening and monday morning? and why can't you do it during your happy hour? the 12 to 5 thingy?

Cant your engineers think? cant you see how many accidents have you caused?

Bodoh and Bodoh. Tu la, kecik2 tak nak mampus, besar2 susahkan orang, dan sampai ada orang lain plak mampus accident.


Blogger husna afifi said...

the last quote sound really like p.ramlee...

ah x igt which film

slmt beramal!

1:18 PM  
Blogger ihsan_huhu said...

hahahahaha mmg baghal

8:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

PLUS should be put to death. Now market were talking about selling PLUS to another individuals due to attractive price.

Hell I would buy if I had that sum of money, as the return of investment is f*cking great, guaranteed by government, together with irrevocable monopolistic bargaining power.

5:45 PM  

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