نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Sunday, May 11, 2008

OK Now I am Furious

Ok, I opened the tap, and there were few drops of water remaining. I asked my neighbour, and yes, the water supply is off until tomorrow (or so). It was supposed to happen on wednesday, but it is now happening.
As my friend put it "The irony of being overzealous and over the top at times without really understanding the main issue. Its either too early or too late."

I was not sure how to do wudhu tomorrow, since I have no spare water at all. I knew I had some in the car, but that would be tricky to use.

It took me a long time to realise I am actually living by the seaside and can actually use the water for Wudhu' and purification. Sea, the water is pure, and the dead is permissible (to eat).

OK I am furious.. But since I cannot do much, I just want to go to bed..


Blogger ihsan_huhu said...

anak sotong berenang dlm laut,
anak laut berenang dlm sotong

12:18 AM  

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