نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Update: So What?

I am still trying to find things to write in this blog. Somehow, I find that whenever I have things to write, I would not knwo how to present them.

There are times when I would think of a poem, only to have it half done, and abandoned. There are times when I would be thinking over my few little problems, little in magnitude in comparison to those in Gaza or any other challenging locations, and not unlike the peom, half thought and abandoned.

Over the past few days ( or weeks), my slumber has always been disturbed by dreams and/or nightmares.. I am not sure how meaningful or meaningless they are, but they are surely taking the energy out of me, as I always wake up more exhausted than before I go to bed.

Once, I dreamt of a colleague's mother passing away.. Upon hearing this story, somehow he decided not to move further from his parents. At least, I kept one family close together.

Last night, I dreamt of someone or something trying to kill me. I was trapped inside a 4-storey buildings complex, where there's a lawn in the middle. I kept running, from one floor to the other.

There were times when I would wake up crying like a child, fearing what I dreamt would become true.

I still wonder what is ongoing in my subconscious mind... What is it???

- Pointless rambling-

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tarikh Luput Tong Gas

Dari Rakan- rakan saya

*Ramai kat luar sana yang tak tahu. Saya tahu pun dari stokist gas
sebab ada
insiden yang berlaku. **

Selinder gas yang dah expired tidak selamat diguna dan boleh
accident. So hati-hati bila menerima selinder gas dari penjual gas.

Di sini caranya bagaimana memeriksa selinder gas LPG :

Di salah satu sisi selinder gas expiry date akan dikodkan secara
alpha-numerical seperti berikut;

A , *B , C atau D diikuti dua digit, contohnya D06.

Huruf bermaksud suku ke berapa dalam satu tahun - *

A** utk March** ( Suku pertama ),**

B** utk June** (Suku kedua ),**

C** utk Sept** ( Suku ketiga ), &**

D** utk December **( Suku keempat ).

2 digit itu pula menunjukkan sehingga tahun berapa selinder itu

Jadi **D06** bermaksud **selamat digunakan sehingga December 2006.**
