نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Monday, May 31, 2010

Black Day for Mankind


The world was shocked by the Israel Commando's attack on the humanitarian aid convoy.

I do not want to elaborate much on this, since much coverage has been given by Malaysia Local and Foreign media.

In retaliation, some muslims leaders condemned the Jews. This indicates how successful the Freemason agenda has been. Muslim sees Zionist & Jews as the same group, and give hostile treatments to both. This will force the good jews to join the evil Zionist.

During the time of the Prophet s.a.w, there were some Jews who fought hands-in-hands with the Prophet, against the Quraisy during the battle of Uhud, and lost their lives. History is repeating itself. There are good Jewish out there, who fought together with the Muslim against Zionism. We, the monolithic religions followers, must unite, under one message, and fight this bunch of godless zionists.

Whatever happens, this incident is another step that takes us closer to the arrival of the Antichrist/ Dajjal, and closer to the return of Jesus Christ a.s, and the victory of Islam.

In the mean time, I am still waiting for Malaysia PM, Najib Tun Razak's remark on the issue. He is known to have good relationship with Zionist, what with the link to APCO. I still wonder how the Tun Razak family managed to gain the upper hand in Malaysia politics, and I am not sure if masonry is not involved.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thumbs Up MSM for being Rational

Sedutan surat terbuka saya buat MSM UK berkaitan kes pelajar yang disebut pada entry sebelumnya:

saya harap email ini sampai ke pihak MSM dan dibaca dengan 'the right spirit'. Ini sahaja alamat MSM yang saya jumpa di internet.
Alhamdulillah, anak beliau semakin sihat, dan semoga Allah memberi kekuatan buat mereka sekeluarga.
Namun begitu, saya terbaca bahagian ini

"In Czech, all pregnant women must have a pregnancy insurance cover which would entitle them to care and treatment in the hospital."

Satu perkara yang saya risaukan, berapa mahalkah insurans tersebut? Tiadakah cara untuk sahabat-sahabat membantu? Siapakah yang memberi nasihat untuk tidak membeli insurans? 6 bulan di Czech, dan 3 bulan di Malaysia. Bagaimanakah sepasang parents boleh membuat keputusan begitu? Why opt not to buy insurance? Tak bolehkah pinjam2 duit orang, jemaah dsb?
Jangan sebut bab tak berbaloi untuk beli insurans, kerana it is not our lives we are talking about.
Saya bukan menyalahkan sesiapa. Namun, pada saya MSM selaku organisasi (assuming student ni ahli MSM) mungkin boleh tingkatkan khidmat. Dalam kita sibuk menggalakkan students berkahwin untuk elak maksiat, adakah students tersebut matang, untuk membuat keputusan? Bagaimana peranan naqib? adakah setakat dalam usrah? Atau naqib sendiri belum berkahwin, dan tidak mampu memberi nasihat yang relevan. Adakah students bersedia dengan hidup selepas kahwin, dari segi fizikal, dan mental. begitu juga dengan persediaan untuk menyambut kelahiran anak dan sebagainya?
Persoalan ini, harus dilihat oleh organisasi MSM. Isu ini secara tak langsung, menjejaskan imej kumpulan-kumpulan islam. Orang bercakap "derang ni pandai kawinkan orang saja, bab lepas kawin tu tak diajar". Secara tak langsung ia jadi fitnah pada jemaah.
Sekali lagi, saya harap, email ini dapat dilihat dari sudut yang objektif. Tiadalah saya berkata, melainkan mengharapkan yang terbaik buat si anak, ibu ayah, jemaah, dan Islam.
Semoga pihak tarbiyah dan pimpinan MSM dapat sama-sama renungkan. InsyaAllah, kita sama-sama bantu sahabat kita, dan doakan yang terbaik.

Jawapan dari Pihak MSM:

Assalamualaikum wrt Saudara Zaki,

pertama2nya jazakumullahu khairan katheera atas emel saudara berkenaan perkara ini.
amat terpampar keprihatinan saudara kepada saudara keyo sekeluarga atas ujian yang menimpanya.
insyaAllah kami akan membawa perkara ini utk diambil perhatian oleh pihak pengurusan MSM.

kami mendoakan semoga lebih ramai orang seperti saudara yang mampu untuk menegur secara terbuka dan ikhlas. teguran saudara amat bermakna buat kami di pihak MSM.

semoga Allah membalas saudara dengan ganjaran yang terbaik.
wassalam wrt wbt.

Majlis Syura Muslimun NorthWest

Thumbs Up MSM for being able to rationalise my points, and consider new modules being formulated, especially for married couples.

Something to be considered by Hizbi, ISMA, Kelab UMNO etc.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Berita Sedih: Semoga Allah bantu mereka


Hari ini, aku terbaca appeal untuk sahabat di Czech ini.

1) Aku mendoakan yang terbaik pada sahabat ini. Dan insyaAllah akan cuba membantu yang dapat.

2) Ini juga adalah masalah kepada students yang berkahwin nak jadi parents. Lepas ini, siapa yang nak kahwin, kalau nak dapat anak, pinjam la duit dari parents ke, bank ke, sape2 la. Make sure, apa2 jadi, anak tu covered with medical insurance. Biar lah susah dahulu. Prepare for the worst case scenario. Aku pun pinjam duit parents, banyak pula tu, sebab anak nak lahir. Isy Isy.

3) Ini juga isu dengan students kot. Masalah students yang islamik dan nak kawin awal, tapi mentally tak matured. Macam mana anak tu boleh hidup 6 bulan di Czech tanpa insurans, hanya sebab fikir nak bersalin di Malaysia. Jadi, discount 6 bulan, hanya kerana plan nak balik Malaysia. Aduh, aku sangat sedih la baca kes ini.

Komen ini bukan untuk condemn couple tersebut. Cuma lepas ni, harap semua yang nak kawin tu, berfikirlah dengan lebih matang.

Semoga Allah membantu mereka.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Iblis one mistake

This story is captured in the Quran. When Allah created Adam from clay, He ordered the malaikat to bow down to Adam. All obeyed Him, except Iblis.

7:12 ((Allah)) said: "What prevented thee from bowing down when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay."

Iblis thought that he was a better creature simply because of he was created from fire and Adam from clay. This is the first example of racism in Allah's creations, and how Allah was displeased with racism.

And so the story went on, that Iblis was expelled from heaven, and since then, he has vowed to entice Adam's descendants to follow his track, away from the right path.

So, let's look at ourselves? Are we racist in any way? Do we think that we are superior than Indonesians, simply because we were born Malaysians? Maybe we think we do not, but look at how we treat our fellow muhajiroons.

Do we think that we are supreme, because we are Malay, and those non-malays are inferior to us? Maybe we think we are OK, but how come we never object to the abuse of scholarship fund, where the right group of people do not receive the right benefit, simply because they are not the right race.

If we do, than we have inherited one characteristics of Iblis, that has kept him away from the Jannah. Racism

I will bring more complicated example so that we can discuss about it in coming entries (hopefully).

Let's unite against racism.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Earthquake in Penang

Penang felt a little impact of the Earthquake in Acheh. Good experience.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Let's keep the hope up

I want to keep this note short.

Yesteday, my sister delivered her baby, and it was not without complications. The baby is currently in ICU.

Last night, my baby was admitted to hospital for photo-therapy. It was something relatively small compared to what my sister has to go through, yet, that had kept me rather worried and sleepless.

One would not understand the feelings of the parents until one becomes parent.

We all pray that my nephew get well soon, so that he can come home, and fill the air with his laughters and cries.

And please everyone, make dua also.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

My Son

Last night, my son was born. 1.25am