نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sampai sekarang, satu habit aku, yang aku tak tau la baik ke tak, adalah pergi kenduri kahwin orang yang aku tak kenal.

Memandangkan selalunya makanan di kenduri kahwin di Malaysia ni memang berlebih-lebihan, aku memang akan singgah.

Kalau tengah ada duit, Rm10 aku bagi ke tuan rumah. Ada hari, satu sen pun aku tak bagi. Cuma aku mampu doakan kesejahteraan tuan rumah, sebab tetamu, bila pulang, dosa-dosa tuan rumah akan diampunkan, asalkan dia ikhlas menerima tetamu.

Baru-baru ini, di Johor, aku satu keluarga pergi kenduri orang kami tak kenal pun. Pakcik tu, dia pergi ceramah PAS, dia terus bagi-bagikan kad kat orang yang hadir. Semangat inilah yang kita mahu. Semangat menjamu orang lain.

Aku berharap, bila aku buat kenduri anak aku nanti, orang pun tanpa segan silu akan datang. Datang la ramai-ramai. Aku ingat nak advertise dalam surat khabar.

Satu hari, encik bob berjumpa dengan saudara yang lama terputus hubungan, encik sukri. Jadi encik bob berjanji untuk membawa saudara mara yang lain bila ke rumah encik sukri lain kali.

'InsyaAllah, minggu depan, saya datang bawak adik beradik kita'
'Berapa orang ya agak-agak?'
'Kami datang 3 bas, insyaAllah, dari melaka, johor, dan perak'.

Pening kepala juga encik sukri nak sediakan makanan untuk 3 bas. Kira-kira 100 orang.

Tiba hari yang dijanjikan, anak encik sukri pun panggil bapaknya di bilik air.
'bapak, depa dah mai, 3 bas'

Encik sukri pun ke ruang tamu, nampak 3 orang sedang duduk bersila minum teh.
'Silalah minum, mana yang lain-lain, tak naik ke?'
'kami memang datang bertiga je'
'habis tu buat apa bawak bas sampai 3 buah?'
'kami ni semua DREBAR BAS'

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The unsunkable submarine..

OK, malaysia bought a submarine.. and now it cannot go underwater... maybe we should have bought a boat instead...

I read a blog entry on an pro TunM UMNO blog. Read my remark over there.

Now I have been given warning. But that is OK. I am not retracting what I have written.

A friend of mine, WMF, when I asked him about this, simply replied, "Orang melayu ni bermimpi jika derang ingat our heads of religion ni jenis solat. They all drink bro".

I don't believe that, because I know some of them do pray, and don't drink. But I believe he was talking about the bigger group.

Remember when there was a quarrel between Negeri's royal & johor's? Where did it happen? I suspect it was after some alcoholic beverages consumption.
Of course, this would not disqualify them from the duty of defending islam. However, it seems ironic when one talks about defending islam, yet committing dosa besar in public..

Well well..

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Over the past one week

Ok, many things went by, and I am not going to point out everything.

The thursday before, I went home to JB by flight. Did not do much over the weekends period. There was one kenduri kahwin that we attended, but we did not know who the tuan rumah was. Ayah got the card during a ceramah pas. So we went, and Una sort of knew that person, and met some of her SMKA friends.

I think my life has become more and more pointless. And then suddenly, I went to someplace and bought a condominium apartment. It was like buying something from the shelves. I have been thinking a lot, but I did not know what actually triggered me to go to the sales office after work. So yes, I am currently finalising the loan details for that one.

I am also in the process of buying a house that I plan to stay in for the next decade. When I went there, I saw someone was in the lawn, the conversation as follows:

Z (aku): Salam, Ni ada apa ya?
Budak: Oh, tengah kemas-kemas. Mak ni a, orang yang nak beli rumah ni.
MC (makcik): Oh nak duduk sini ke? Rumah ni teruk dik, kena repair parkir dia, atap tu dah kena makan anai2. banyak kos ni... bla bla bla.. anai-anai.... bumbung... kalau betul adik nak duduk sini, nanti suruh kontraktor cina tu buat bla bla bla..
Z: (dalam hati, aku rasa heran, macam mana makcik ni cakap camni bla bla bla.. aku masuk ok je, aku check itu ini.. layan je la.. ) ye lah makcik, biasa la tu, kena repair.. saya dah minta kontraktor tengok...
MC: makcik bukan nak takut-takutkan, tapi rumah ni.. bla bla bla.. nampak benda atas bumbung.. bla bla.. kena buat tahlil ni...
Z: biasa la makcik, bila rumah orang tak duduk, memang la jin duduk.. adat la tu.. (dalam hati aku, Nabi suruh baca quran banyak2 bila masuk rumah baru.. bukan tahlil aje makcik wei)

When I went home, I learnt that the makcik has been wanting to buy the house for a long time. She wanted to give it to her children... but she offered a dead cheap price to the owner that the owner refused. Now that I wanted to buy and move in, I can sense her disappointment, and her trying to discourage me from moving in.

Whatever la makcik...

I think I have pointed out earlier that everytime I went to my in-laws house, there will be the standard dish.. masak lemak kuning.. it can be chicken, prawn, beef whatever, but there has to be...
Last night, when my in laws family were having dinner, my sister in law pointed out that my new biras does not eat masak lemak kuning style negeri sembilan. So I said, "macam mana nak masuk suku seri lemak pahang ni..." and mak said "hmm.. hilang la lemak tu.. " (tinggal seri pahang je la kot). of course everyone can choose what they like or don't like to eat, just like I don't really enjoy budu as much as my inlaws family do, and sometimes i feels awkward..

too much rumbling, and too much rubbish..