نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام ، فهما طلبنا العزة بغيره ، أذلنا الله

We are the people whom Allah honoured through Islam, so whenever we seek honour other than it, Allah will disgrace us.

The blog is under slow transition to http://specifichumidity.wordpress.com

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kisah Keluarga

Terharu sungguh dengan adik aku.. Bacalah sedutan chatting di bawah

Zaki: slm
Zaki: buleh bawak manual kan?
ihsan_huhu: oio
ihsan_huhu: slm
ihsan_huhu: buleh2
ihsan_huhu: tapi lesen esan kat umah
ihsan_huhu: kat jb
Zaki: takpe
ihsan_huhu: sbb arituh antar balik utk renew
Zaki: tak penting pun
ihsan_huhu: ooo
Zaki: kalau kena tahan polis, cakap aa. lesen tinggal kat rumah
ihsan_huhu: boleh ke?
ihsan_huhu: hahaha
Zaki: sepatutnya boleh
Zaki: kalau tak boleh jugak, cakap je nanti saya bawa ke balai
Zaki: haha
Zaki: ataupun, nanti jumpa kat padang mahsyar
ihsan_huhu: apsal? nk kne bwk kete ble?
Zaki: esan flight dr australia kul bape?
ihsan_huhu: 5am
Zaki: 5am time oz? sampai mesia kul bape?
ihsan_huhu: x
ihsan_huhu: sampai mesia pkl 5
Zaki: dari oz kul bape?
Zaki: tak menjawab soalan betul la dia nih
ihsan_huhu: 11.50pm camtuh r
Zaki: ok
Zaki: naik flight, tido cukup2
Zaki: sampai klia, terus gi hotel
ihsan_huhu: apsal? lps tuh balik jb tros ke?
Zaki: sampai hotel, ambik rehat2, tido2
Zaki: breakfast
Zaki: checkout kul 12 ke bila2 suka
Zaki: ambik kete, balik jb
ihsan_huhu: aik? ki?
Zaki: abg bleh balik naik teksi
Zaki: takde hal punya
Zaki: abg abes exam kul 5 petang
Zaki: khamis je
Zaki: khamis keje
ihsan_huhu: oo.. esan igt nk g semban jumpe membe dlu
ihsan_huhu: balik naik bas
Zaki: sebab
Zaki: kad kahwin, belonggok2 nakbawka blk jb
ihsan_huhu: oo..ki blk jb ble?
Zaki: raya haji
ihsan_huhu: oo. .kre nk suro esan bwk blk kad2 tuh cpt2 r
ihsan_huhu: buleh je
Zaki: ha'ah
Zaki: kalau takleh
Zaki: abg balik jb harini
ihsan_huhu: boleh je
Zaki: ok
Zaki: kalau camtu, sorted ah
ihsan_huhu: orait
Zaki: hari rabu, balik jb bawak kereta, bawak kad skali
ihsan_huhu: nnt esan kensel r jumpe membe tuh.. bkn penting pon
ihsan_huhu: orait
ihsan_huhu: isi r kda byk2
ihsan_huhu: kad
Zaki: ala, suruh je membe tu datang kenduri kawin
Zaki: sure jumpa punya
ihsan_huhu: tuh r.. ok je
Zaki: suruh dia datang, bawak hadiah beso2 sket
ihsan_huhu: hahahaha
ihsan_huhu: kre sp sane amik kete blk jb.. ok r
ihsan_huhu: kejap je kot drive blk jb
Zaki: drive balik jb, dari klia, lebih kurang 4 jam ah jugak
Zaki: masuk highway, terus je belasah
ihsan_huhu: tuh r
ihsan_huhu: nk g melben pon drive 10 jam
ihsan_huhu: kes2
ihsan_huhu: sng je.. buleh2
ihsan_huhu: bli minyak pkai cdt card
ihsan_huhu: hahaha
ihsan_huhu: tol pkai kad gk ke?
Zaki: touch n go la brader
ihsan_huhu: orait r
ihsan_huhu: kre setel r

Sometimes, the family will need some assistance, and I can guarantee, none of my family members will turn down the request. We WILL change our plan to accommodate the family. FAMILY FIRST...

Unlike some other families..

I am touched and terharu...

Ich.. Glucklich...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Kids Doing DEMO

Many have asked me about the photo, and thought the picture depicts some kids being manipulated by the PR government to do demo or something.

No, this is part of their performance for Hari Ihtifal PASTI Teluk Kemang 2008.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What a busy week that was

Ok, last week I went to Kota Bharu for a friend's wedding. Ok, it is time for me to announce mine...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hadis 14: Haram darah umat islam melainkan pada 3 perkara


عَنْ اِبْنِ مَسْعُودٍ رَضِىَ الله عَنْه قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ الله صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم : (( لاَ یَحِلُّ دَ مُ
امْرِئٍ مُسْلِمٍ إِلاَّ بِإِحْدَى ثَلاَثٍ: الثَّيِّبُ الزَّانِي، وَالنَّفْسُ بِالنَّفْسِ، وَالتَّارِكُ لِدِیْنِهِ المُفَارِ قُ
لِلْجَمَاعَةِ )) رواه البخاري ومسلم.
Daripada lbnu Mas'uud r.a. beliau berkata: Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda:
Darah seseorang muslim tidak halal kecuali dengan salah satu dari tiga perkara; janda yang berzina,
nyawa dengan nyawa dan orang yang meninggalkan agamanya yang memisahkan diri daripada jamaah.
Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

Soalan 1: Bagaimana pula dengan pengebom Bali? Halalkah darah orang yang diletup itu?

Jawapan: Baca mudafi'l mazlum

Soalan 2: Ada seorang lelaki yang dituduh telah melakukan ketiga-tiga perkara ini. Pernah berzina, pernah membunuh, dan pernah murtad dengan melakukan upacara Hindu. Namun hingga kini, semua yang keluarkan Statutory Declaration berkenaan lelaki ini terus hilang tidak dapat ditemui. Soalannya, siapakah lelaki ini?

Jawapan: Lu pikir la sendiri...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kuliah Ustaz Kassim Tanbihul Ghafilin 20081119

1 "Ayat Syifa:

Baca lepas maghrib dan subuh."
a "At taubah ayat 14-15
Allah memberi kepuasan hati orang mu'min dan menghilangkan sifat marah dalam hati
Menjadikan diri sihat, dan fikiran rasional
b "Yunus 57
Peringatan dari Allah yang menjadi pengajaran, dan penawar bagi penyakit hati, dan petunjuk dan rahmat bagi orang beriman

Petunjuk kepada perkara halal/haram, hukum hakam (wajib/sunat/makruh), petunjuk kepada keselamatan"
c "An Nahl 69
Madu selaku ubat paling mujarab dalam dunia

Lebah adalah sejenis serangga yang cerdik dan menakjubkan. Diilhamkan Allah untuk tinggal di tempat tinggi, dan makan dari bunga-bunga.

Lebah menghasilkan madu dari perut lebah. Lebah merupakan model kepada orang beriman, bersih dari segi pakaian, rumah, makanan, dan memilih yang baik dan halal. Lebah juga hidup berjemaah. Masyarakat islam juga harus berjemaah di bawah pimpinan seorang imam."
d "Al Israa' 82

AlQuran diturunkan secara beransur-ansur (Nazzala, nunazzilu) selama 23 tahun, menunjukkan proses menuntut ilmu beransur-ansur dan berterusan.
""tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad""

Alquran sebagai penawar dan rahmat bagi orang beriman
e "Asy Syuaraa' 78-80

Doa nabi Ibrahim. Allah yang menciptakan, memberi petunjuk, memberi makan dan minum, dan bila aku sakit Dia sembuhkan

Ayat membabitkan aqidah Nabi Ibrahim, yang berdialog dengan bapanya.

Allhumma inni nas'aluka al-afwa wal-afiyah"
f "Al-Fussilat 44

Alquran petunjuk dan penawar bagi orang beriman
2 "Kitab Tanbihul Ghafilin

Bab Fadhilat Haji"
a "Sekumpulan orang Yaman datang berbuat Haji, dan bertanya tentang fadhilat haji kepada Rasulullah s.a.w

orang yang keluar rumah untuk umrah, gugur dosa dari badan ibarat daun kering bagi setiap langkah. Dosa pada badan banyak dengan setiap perbuatan, dosa mata, telinga, tangan kaki etc"
b Orang yang ke madinah, dan beri salam kepada Rasulullah, dijabat tangannya oleh malaikat
c Di Zulhulaifah (Miqat Yaman); dan mandi sunat ihram, maka Allah sucikan semua dosa
d Bila memakai pakaian baru Ihram, Allah memberi hasanat
e membaca labbaikAllah, disambut oleh Allah (didengar dan dilihat Allah)
f Tawaf & Wukuf: Allah beri kebaikan
g Wukuf: Allah ampunkan dosa seperti bayi baru lahir
h Melontar, cukur dan tawaf ifadah: diampunkan semua dosa; dan buku amal diperbaharui

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quick Check for Alzheimer's

Quick Check for Alzheimer's

The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School
of Psychiatry at Harvard University .

Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a
mistake. The average person over 40 years of age cannot do it!

                           1. This is this cat.
                           2. This is is cat.
                           3. This is how cat.
                           4. This is to cat.
                           5. This is keep cat.
                           6. This is an cat.
                           7. This is old cat.
                           8. This is fart cat.
                           9. This is busy cat.
                           10. This is for cat.
                           11. This is forty cat
                           12. This is seconds cat.

Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down and
I betcha' you cannot resist passing it on.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Diari TokWan 2

"Tok wan batuk darah sangat banyak. Habis baju dia kena darah. Kitorang on the way ke HSA."

Itulah yang kak asma bagitau aku. Terus aku hidupkan enjin kereta, balik JB. Aku sampai JB agak lewat malam tu. Sekitar jam 930 malam. Terasa sangat penat, dan dalam perjalanan tu, beberapa kali aku terlelap. Sekali terbabas ke tepi jalan, alhamdulillah tayar tak pecah ataupun kepala aku sendiri tak pecah.

Entahla, mungkin bagi yang tidak biasa, gambaran batuk darah ini seperti dalam movie, satu gambaran macho,  hero batuk darah, lawan penjahat dan menang. Mungkin itu juga gambaran dalam kepala aku, tokwan sungguh hero.

Pagi sabtu, aku bangun solat subuh, dan usai solat, pulang ke rumah, baru la aku sedar the extent of batuk darah tokwan. Dimudahkan cerita, mulut tokwan penuh darah, baju penuh darah beku, warna hitam, seperti dalam filem seram, selepas vampire menghisap darah. Astaghfirullah, tiada yang 'macho' dengan batuk darah. Rasa nak menangis.

Tak tahu nak buat apa, kak Asma yang tough terus menguruskan Tokwan. Aku dulu bercita-cita nak jadi doktor, tapi aku sedar apa yang kurang pada diri aku. Aku terlalu bersimpati, dan tak sampai hati tengok orang sakit. 

Selepas mandi kan dan wudhu' kan tokwan, kami tolong beliau solat subuh. Kemudian, selepas sedikit berbincang, kami sepakat membawa TokWan ke JSH, kerana Kak Asma akan ke Kursus. Kalau jadi apa-apa ketika ketiadaan Kak Asma, tak siapa tahu nak buat apa.

Tak sampai hati nak bagitau tokwan kita nak masukkan tokwan ke hospital. Tapi Kak Asma sungguh macho, bagitau tokwan dan tokwan tak melawan. Senyap sahaja.

Hari sabtu di hospital, saya dan ayah tinggal untuk selesaikan urusan kemasukan (admission) Tokwan.

Macam biasa, wudhu' kan tokwan, solatkan Tokwan. Petang tu, kami pulang ke rumah dan ambil barang tokwan. Malam datang balik, untuk tokwan solat maghrib dan isya'.

Hari Ahad, sebelum subuh lagi kami dah keluar rumah. Takut tokwan tak sempat solat subuh in-time. Kami berhenti solat subuh dalam perjalanan, dan sampai hospital sekitar jam 610 pagi. Sekali lagi, kami siapkan tokwan untuk solat subuh. Kemudian, tokwan tengok bicara mufti, kali ini Dato Noh Gadut, mufti johor. Bila tokwan terlelap, kami pulang ke rumah, breakfast dsb.

Tengah hari, ayah tunggu ummi balik dari melaka. Saya pergi ke hospital dulu. Kali ini hati saya sangat tersentuh. Saya bukan cucu yang rapat dengan atuk. Kami sekeluarga jarang pulang ke kampung. Bila duduk berdua begini, hati saya tersentuh.

Tokwan cerita tentang zaman jepun. Tokwan cerita bagaimana orang yang kurang ajar kena minum air dan pijak perut oleh jepun. Zaman jepun tiada sistem mahkamah. Tokwan pernah komen, menteri dan MP sekarang, tak pernah hidup zaman jepun, sebab tu mulut celupar dan kurang ajar. Saya bersetuju, baik BN mahupun PR, dua-dua celupar dan kurang adab (Bigfoot? Bastard?)

Tokwan cerita pasal King George bapa Queen Elizabeth II. Tokwan cerita tentang daulat Sultan Kedah. Tokwan kata, QEII tak boleh pakai mahkota, bila Sultan Abd Hamid pakai, baru la QEII boleh pakai mahkota tu. Wallahua'lam, saya tak rasa cerita tu  betul, tapi cara tokwan cerita sangat menyentuh hati.

Tokwan tengok saya pakai baju hijau kuning, dan dia sangat bangga. Dia ingat pasukan kedah, dan tau kedah menang treble 2 seasons berturut2. Tokwan, tokwan. Sah orang kedah tetap suka bola.

Tokwan juga cerita, dia dulu belajar feqah dengan seorang ustaz. Dia suka pi mengaji. Tiba-tiba dia cakap "tokwan feqah tak berapa reti, tapi kalau elok nanti, tokwan nak qadha' solat. Rasa tak sempurna". Part ni aku rasa nak nangis, pasal aku rasa macam.. wallahua'lam.. (in fact aku nangis time tulis part nih)

Tiba-tiba, mak ngah dan pak ngah  muncul. Tok Wan ingat, "Ini yusup nih, ini khatijah". Memori Tokwan masih baik, walaupun pergerakannya sudah lemah.

Entahlah, aku tak sampai hati nak balik PD. Tapi aku balik juga.

Hari ni, aku kerja, aku rasa aku tak boleh kerja. Rasa macam nak ambil cuti, balik rumah jaga Tokwan..

Seperti kata Tok Andak (adik Tokwan), "orang tua tu mungkin tak lama lagi dengan kita, kita usahalah supaya dia bahagia di hujung hayat dia"


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Iran tests new long-range missile

Well Done Iran on another achievement. May this at least give send some signals to the Israelis and Americans, that should your land become invaded, having nothing to lose, you are capable of making their land ground-zero too...

Iran tests new long-range missile

Iranian footage of the Sajjil missile test
Iran said the missile had an "extraordinarily large capability"

Iran says it has successfully tested a new long-range surface-to-surface missile that is capable of hitting targets in Europe.

Known as the Sajjil, it was described on state TV as a high-speed, solid-fuel missile with a high level of accuracy.

Defence Minister Mohammed Najjar said the missile was a defensive weapon.

Western nations and Israel suspect Iran is seeking to develop an atomic weapon and some have called for pre-emptive strikes against its facilities.

Speculation of a possible strike either by the US or by Israel rose earlier in the year, but has receded amid the lengthy US presidential election campaign.

However, US President-elect Barack Obama has refused to rule out the option of launching a military attack on Iran.

'Deterrent doctrine'

Speaking on state TV, Mr Najjar said the new two-stage missile had an "extraordinarily large capability", but gave few specific details other than its estimated range - of up to 1,200 miles (1,930km).

That would comfortably be enough to strike targets in Israel, as well as bringing into range a swathe of south-eastern Europe.

Iran's current solid-fuel missile, the Fateh, has a range of just 100 miles (170km). Solid-fuel missiles are reputedly more accurate than liquid-fuel missiles, which make up the majority of Iran's long-range arsenal.

"This missile test is in the framework of Iran's deterrent doctrine," the official Irna news agency quoted Mr Najjar as saying.

"It will only land on the heads of those enemies... who want to make an aggression and invade the Islamic republic," he added.

In Washington, the US state department said the launch was "of concern to the international community".

The Pentagon said the latest test demonstrated the need for the US to press ahead with its planned missile shield in Europe. - BBC News

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it:

FIRST Emergency

The Eme! rgency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.
Also in Australia, the Australian emergency number 000 can be dialled whilst your mobile phone keyboard is locked. This is another reason why 000 receives so many false emergency calls!

SECOND Have you locked your keys in the car?

Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday! . Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.

Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to
drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
(Editor's Note: "It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a mobile phone!")

THIRD Hidden BatteryPower

Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your mobile will restart with! this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.

FOURTH How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?

To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone!:


* # 0 6 #

A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. ! Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.

Not only the above, but also in Australia your stolen phone is added to a "Stolen Mobile Phone" database, so if your phone is found later on it can be ret! urned to you.

This is the kind of information people don't mind receiving, so pass it on to your family and friends

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Famous Amos: True or False?

Recently, I received this email... Googling across the internet, this most probably is a hoax mail. However, many feedback said that it is a really good one. Enjoy your cookies...
This is a true story
My daughter and I had just finished a muffin at
Famous Amos Café in Bangsar & decided to
have some cookies. Because both of us are such
a cookie lovers, we decided to try the "Hawaiian
Nut Cookie".

It was so excellent that I asked if they would give
me the recipe and the waitress said with a small
frown "I'm afraid cannot". Well I said, "Would you
let me buy the recipe?"

With a cute smile, she said "YES". I asked how
much and she responded, "only two fifty, it's a
great deal!" I said with approval, "Just add it to my

Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement
from Famous Amos and it was RM285.00. I
looked again and remembered I had only spent
RM9.95 for two muffins and about RM20.00 for a
pie. As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it
said, "cookie recipe - RM250.00". That's

I called the Famous Amos's Accounting Dept. and
told them that the waitress said it was "two-fifty",
which clearly does not mean "two hundred and fifty
dollars" by any POSSIBLE interpretation of the
phrase. Famous Amos refused to budge.. They
would not refund my money, because according to
them, "What the waitress told you is not our
problem. You have already seen the recipe - we
absolutely will not refund your money at this point."

I explain to her the criminal statues which govern
fraud in Malaysia . I threatened to refer them to
police for engaging in fraud. I was basically
told, "Do what you want, we don't care, and we're
not refunding your money." I waited for a moment,
thinking of how I could get even, or even try to get
any of my money back. I just said, "Okay, you
people got my RM2-50.00, and now I'm going to
have a RM250.00 worth of fun."
I told her that I was going to see to it that every
cookie lover in Malaysia with an email account
has a RM250.00 cookie recipe from Famous
Amos...for free... She replied, "I wish you wouldn't
do this" I said, "Well you should have thought of
that before you stole from me", and slammed
down the phone on her.

So, here it is!!! Please, please please pass it on
to everyone you can possibly think of. I paid
RM250.00 dollars for this...I don't want Famous
Amos to ever get another cent off of this recipe.....
Recipe may be halved:

2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal &
blend in blender
to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
18 oz. Cadbury bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla

cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and
vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt,
baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips,
Cadbury bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place
two inches apart on a cookie sheet.. bake for 10
minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 122 cookies..

Have fun..!!

This is not a joke - this a true story...Ride free ,
this isn't some stupid chain letter either...pass it
on...if you don't, you won't die or get
dumped...you'll just do the world an injustice...

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fire and Prevention

I am saddened by the news here. This news basically summarised the level of ignorance and stubbornness in our society.

The Theory of Fire

Fire main components can be described by the TRIANGLE OF FIRE above. For any fire incidence to occur, there must be the three elements:

Fuel: Anything for the reaction to consume.
Air/Oxygen:  This is another main component, since fire is an oxidation process.
Heat: Heat is required to provide the minimum energy needed for the reaction to occur, after which the fire will be self-sustained by receiving heat from the fuel-oxygen reaction

To extinguish fire, one needs to remove any of the three elements:
Air: Removing air by blowing anything that can displace the air. It can be in the form of CO2, or the dry powder, which cuts the air/oxygen supply to the reaction.
Heat: Heat is removed by cooling, hence the use of water. However, in oil fire, water is NOT a good fire extinguisher.
Fuel: Removing fuel, by removing any consumables near to the fire.

What is explosion?

Explosion is a sudden release of energy. The impact is much worse than a fire, considering the amount of energy and the shockwave impact generated by explosion.

What can we learn from the above incidence:

1) Switch off your engine while refuelling.
I do not know why malaysians are very comfortable refuelling while the engine is ON. This is ridiculous, since engine has sparks, that provide the ignition source (heat). Similarly, hot engine can be exposed to the fuel vapour, which may cause it to catch fire.

Similarly, one should not use mobile phones, or any electrical/electronics gadget at petrol station. These are all ignition source provider.

2) RULES are there for reasons

If anyone go to any petrol kiosk, the sign is there. Switch off your mobile, switch off your engine. Yet, how many people take this for granted. Even worse, the petrol station people never took any action against these people. "Customer is always right", yes, but does this one customer has any right in doing something that may jeopardise his and many other people's lives?

3) Do not modify your LPG tank

Yes, LPG tanks do leak, and when they leak, they are like a bomb waiting to explode.

LPG is the biggest threat to us. LPG, mainly comprises C3-C4 expands quickly, and is heavier than air. If there is any LPG leak, it would not be dissipated to the atmosphere. Instead it will stay on the ground, due to the weight, and form a vapour cloud. Any sufficient heat introduced will create a FIREBALL that consumes anything within the vapour cloud.

The problem occurs when we started modifying the tanks ourselves. We cannot guarantee that the tanks are in good condition anymore. Similarly, you should not re-route the fuel path yourself, unless you are authorised/ certified in doing that.

What could have been worse?
It is not uncommon that one LPG fire created a bigger fire. In Korea, a whole petrol station exploded, after one small fire. This fire spread to the LPG truck, and then the LPG storage tank underground, and all the small LPG tanks shot around like missiles. It destroyed the whole block/ shoplots row also.

Understand the cause of fire, and stick to the rule..

Friday, November 07, 2008

Jogging di pagi sabtu

Rumah yang saya diami kini terletak di pantai Tanjung Gemuk. Taman ini dirancang, supaya mempunyai kawasan surau dan taman permainan di tengah-tengahnya. Rumah dalam taman ini tidak sampai 200 buah. Memang kebiasaan taman-taman di PD, rumah-rumahnya tidak banyak. Ada sebuah taman, bernama Taman Kampung Paya (Taman-Kampung?), yang punyai rumah hanya sederet, tidak lebih dari 20 buah. Begitu juga Taman Bunga Kertas dan beberapa taman lain.

Kebiasaannya, saya akan berjogging dan kadang-kadang mandi laut, kalau air pasang. Pagi ini, air surut. Setelah 2 pusingan, sedang saya berjogging, tiba-tiba datang seekor anjing, dan tak semena-mena mengejar saya. Saya terus memecut langkah seribu. Sedang berlari, seorang makcik yang berada dalam pagar surau (ingat, surau di tengah-tengah) bertanya " Anjing tu kejar ke?" Alahai makcik, tak nampak ke saya tengah pecut ala Usain Bolt?

Anjing itu berhenti kejar, dan menunggu saya untuk pusingan seterusnya. Alahai anjing, bagi can la saya mahu lalu.

Hari ini, jogging saya ditamatkan awal, kerana penat dan tak mahu dikejar anjing lagi. InsyaAllah sambung jogging esok.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Last Weekend: Kenduri Azraai & Pak Lang Pi Haji

Hujung minggu lepas, sempat ke Kenduri Cik Nah @ Mama di Kelana Jaya. Bertemakan warna ungu...

Yan @ Adik Azraai (pengantin) yang berposing tahap Naga Gaban. Beliau telah tidur lewat untuk menyiapkan montaj, dan bangun awal untuk menyiapkan rambut

Ya azraai berjalan masuk, diiringi sorang lagi cousin aku, sambil diperhatikan jalaludin hassan (nampak belakang kepala bersongkok)

Ust Hassan Muqaddam (bapak jalaludin hassan, musa hassan), hadir atas jemputan makcik aku yang dulu penerbit rancangan muqaddam

Asri Rabbani yang berselawat & doa, yang tidak difahami oleh kebanyakan audience, yang sibuk ambil gambar pengantin atau bersuka ria

Sedara-mara yang ceria

Pak Ngah yang tersenyum

Majlis turut diserikan dengan persembahan dari satu live-band yang aku tak kenal, tapi memang terer dan sedap

Ya, mereka sangat terer bermain muzik

Ayah Bersama Jonet Tuah (kiri) & Datuk Mokhzani (Kanan: Pengarah Orkestra RTM)

OK, selepas kenduri, kami pun pulang ke kampung di Kedah. Pak Lang iaitu adik pada ayah aku, dan Mak Lang hendak ke mekah menunaikan Fardhu Haji...

PakLang yang nak pi Haji, memeluk Husni, anak bongsu beliau

MakLang pun nak pi haji, jadi bersalaman dengan anak beliau.

Ayah yang sedang menjaga kereta, takut dipakukan tayarnya oleh orang 'AAM' yang tiba-tiba muncul di rumah tol.

Makcik-makcik lain yang sedang mengendap, ada apa dalam vending machine

Inilah Kompleks Tabung Haji Pulau Pinang, berhampiran dengan Airport Bayan Lepas, yang lepas ni aku akan pergi at least 8 kali setahun

Ambil gambar sebelum semua balik ke Sik

Tokwan dan Dr Asma', sama-sama terlena dalam perjalanan pulang ke JB

Monday, November 03, 2008

Old Timer